
What’s up guys, I am pretty excited to discuss the best Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 2. I have played through this game multiple times, so I feel like I have more than enough experience to let you guys know which are the best and which are the worst. Many Keyblades have a specific niche, so it won’t be easy trying to see which niche is better. Let’s just get started with the worst one.

24. Fenrir


After thinking for a while, I had to place Fenrir at the bottom. Here’s why. Sora should have gotten the Buster Sword from defeating Sephiroth instead. I wish he did. Instead, Fenrir has 7 strength and 1 magic with the ability Negative Combo which decreases both ground and air combos by one. It really is a devastating Keyblade. I just never used it because it was given extremely late. Also, I am just not a fan of Negative Combo. I am fully aware of its ability to cheese strong bosses, but I’d rather fight them fairly than cheesing them. It is a shame I had to put it at as the worst Keyblade.

23. Winner’s Proof


The runner-up worst Keyblade is pretty much the last Keyblade you can get. You acquire this after doing thirteen different minigames with the Mushroom XIII. Look, it has solid stats with 5 strength and 7 magic, but I have zero attachment to this Keyblade. I never used it on base Sora, and I would probably end up throwing this in the Master Form Keyblade slot. Even then I barely used it because I would usually have another Keyblade in the slot. On top of that, it comes with the ability No Experience which is just a waste of an ability for a keyblade. What is the point of having that when it serves no purpose to combat? Sorry, but I wish we got it much earlier.

22. Hidden Dragon


The ugliest Keyblade ever. You get Hidden Dragon after completing Land of Dragons the first time, and it is pretty booty guys. It has 2 strength and 2 magic with the ability MP Rage. This means it has 1 less strength than your starter Keyblade which is not what I want. Magic isn’t really good this early in the game, and by the time you get more magic this Keyblade is useless. Also, MP Rage requires you to take damage to get MP back. I like to play Critical Mode, so taking damage is not something I want to do. The design is also pretty bad.

21. Fatal Crest


I am so disappointed in this Keyblade. I really love the design, but it just is not good. You get this after completing the Goddess of Fate Cup in the Underworld which is pretty late into the game. It comes with 3 strength and 5 magic, so it’s a pretty solid magic Keyblade. Fatal Crest also has a decent ability called Berserk Charge that allows you to chain combos infinitely as long as you have no MP. It just sucks that you get access to Fatal Crest so late into the game. Personally, I never even used it aside from a Mushroom XIII minigame.

20. Sleeping Lion


There’s kind of a trend with the Kingdom Hearts 2 Keyblades ranked low. A lot of these I did not use because of how late I got it. The Sleeping Lion fits that trend. It has 5 strength and 3 magic, and you get it from talking to Leon towards the latter half of the game. Before you get this Keyblade, you get another one that is much better. The Sleeping Lion could have been something if it had a better ability than Combo Plus. Design-wise, I really like the simplicity of it. It has a very clean look to it. Unfortunately, it just gets overshadowed.

19. Monochrome


I really try to like this Keyblade because the design is really unique, and I kinda like it. Monochrome has 4 strength and 0 magic, and it is obtained fairly early after clearing Timeless River. The ability, Item Boost, is also kind of useful which allows your items to restore 50% more. It is good if you want to use potions to heal more, but in Critical Mode the potions already heal you nearly all the way. Again, this Keyblade is just overshadowed by one you get RIGHT before it.

18. Wishing Lamp


Honestly, a really awful Keyblade. It has ok stats, and the design is also just horrible. Wishing Lamp is obtained after clearing Agrabah for a second time. It has 4 strength and 3 magic with the ability Jackpot which increases the drops for HP, MP, and munny. This Keyblade was NEVER used in combat, and the only time I used it was to get Munny off of Gambler Nobodies for ethers. Still, I rarely even had to abuse this trick to get Munny.

17. Follow the Wind


Follow the Wind is the Keyblade you get right after Monochrome, and you get it after Port Royal. It has 3 strength and 1 magic with the ability Draw which lets Sora become a magnet to orbs of HP, MP, and munny. It’s not particularly useful since you have a much better Keyblade than you get before it (the trend just keeps going). The only time I have used this is during the 1000 Heartless Fight because it helps me stay in a healthy HP range. Other than that, it’s pretty useless, and the design is just ugly.

16. Sweet Memories


This Keyblade used to be really useful, but it’s now a joke. Sweet Memories is obtained after completing a specific Torn Page in 100 Acre Wood. It has 0 strength and 4 magic with the ability Drive Converter which drops you drive orbs instead of munny. It isn’t good for combat at all, but it is very good in leveling up Master Form which needs drive orbs to level up. Going to the Gambler Nobody and doing his reaction command gives you A LOT of drive orbs. Also, I have to mention how good Sweet Memories was before Final Mix because it had Lucky Lucky which increased the chances of item drops. Many were upset at the ability change, and I was one of them.

15. Gull Wing


Another kind of joke Keyblade is Gull Wing. You get it from Yuna after the 1000 Heartless fight. It has 2 strength and 3 magic with the ability Experience Boost which increases experience gained at low HP. I would never use this outside of grinding to level 99. That is the only useful thing about this Keyblade, but it really cuts down on the time it takes to level. I said a lot of the Kingdom Hearts 2 Keyblades have their own niche, and this niche is important to leveling. I am sure everyone who has played this game has used the Gull Wing to level grind. Side note, the design is pretty nice too.

14. Circle of Life


I really love the design of this one, and that was a big reason for it being this high. I didn’t really use this Keyblade that much because it doesn’t compare to a certain Keyblade you already have at this point. Circle of Life is given to you on the Pride Lands’ first visit. It has 4 strength and 1 magic with the ability MP Haste which increases the speed at which you get your MP back. Solid ability. There really isn’t a drawback to this Keyblade aside from what I stated before.

13. Oathkeeper


What?? Oathkeeper is this low? Yes, yes it is. You get this Keyblade sort of in the middle of the game in Twilight Town. It has 3 strength and 3 magic with the ability Form Boost which increases the duration of a drive form. Honestly, I didn’t even use it that much. I had it equipped to Master Form to increase the duration of that form but quickly replaced it with stronger Keyblades. It really is a shame that this Keyblade is just OK, and not anything more. The callback to Kingdom Hearts 1, and the lovely design is what I love about this Keyblade the most. Its stats really hold it back.

12. Oblivion


Yup, right after Oathkeeper is Oblivion. Another Keyblade returning from Kingdom Hearts 1. You get this after defeating Xigbar. It has 6 strength and 2 magic with the ability Drive Boost which allows Sora to restore his drive form quicker when MP is depleted. The ability is kind of a miss for me. It doesn’t really add anything in combat because replenishing your drive bar isn’t difficult in the first place. I usually just throw it on Valor Form for a bit until replacing it with something else. It really is a shame that both Oathkeeper and Oblivion do not live up to their hype.

11. Two Become One


This is one really sexy Keyblade. You get it after defeating Roxas in The World That Never Was. It has 5 strength and 4 magic with the ability Light and Dark which helps you acquire Final Form quicker. The ability is really useless, to be honest. I do like the balance of stats it gives you, and for that I usually have this equipped to Master Form for the rest of the game until postgame when I get Winner’s Proof. It’s this low because I rarely use Master Form once Final Form is unlocked.

10. Mysterious Abyss


I honestly might get backlash for this one, and that’s ok. You get Mysterious Abyss in Atlantica. It has 3 strength and 3 magic with the ability Blizzard Boost which increases the damage of blizzard-based attacks. Mysterious Abyss is only really useful for one single fight which is the Data Axel fight. It is much more useful than the Kingdom Hearts 2 Keyblades I placed before it in my honest opinion. Use this Keyblade against Data Axel with Blizzard and then come back and judge me on this.

9. Star Seeker


What an iconic Keyblade. Star Seeker is given to you in Yen Sid’s Tower, and it is equipped with Valor Form. The thing is, you cannot unequip it from that slot until you obtain another Keyblade. It has 3 strength and 1 magic with the ability Air Combo Plus which gives you an extra air combo. Star Seeker is very good on Valor Form in the beginning parts of the game since Valor is a very close combat form. It pairs really well with the Star Seeker. I also really love the design. There’s not much to hate about it.

8. Guardian Soul


Honestly, this entry really surprised me. I really had to think which Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 2 are good when I really only use the same 5 Keyblades every playthrough. You get Guardian Soul after clearing Olympus Coliseum for the second time. It has 5 strength and 1 magic with the ability Reaction Boost which allows Sora to deal more damage with reaction commands. Using this Keyblade on a boss that has frequent reaction commands is really good. The fight I think of is Marluxia. Equipping this allows you to deal a massive amount of damage when Marluxia is vulnerable to a reaction command. Really really solid overall.

7. Kingdom Key


The very first Keyblade takes the 7th place slot on my list. It is a great starting weapon for any series. It has 3 strength and 1 magic with the ability Damage Control which halves damage taken at critical HP. The ability is really good on a Critical Mode playthrough because it saves you from many instances. I also used it up until the start of Disney Castle because it is the second-best early game Keyblade. Out of the three callback Keyblades, Kingdom Key is the only one that has kept its hype from Kingdom Hearts 1.

6. Photon Debugger


Ayo what is Photon Debugger doing at number 6? I’ll tell you why in a bit. You get it after defeating the Hostile Program in Space Paranoids. It has 2 strength and 1 magic with the ability Thunder Boost which increases the damage of thunder-based moves. This Keyblade is so important when you are fighting wave after wave of enemies. It was so incredibly useful when I was traversing through the Cavern of Remembrance. Using Magnega and Thundaga was vital to me being able to pass through. It is really an underrated Keyblade.

5. Bond of Flame


At number 5 I have the Bond of Flame, given to you after Axel perishes. It has 4 strength and 4 magic with the ability Fire Boost which increases the damage of, you guessed it, fire based moves. You put this on Final Form, and it’s GG. Using fire in Final Form is the most OP move in the entire game, aside from the Fenrir cheese. Bond of Flame is a very very strong Keyblade that I have grown to love, especially in combination with Final Form.

4. Rumbling Rose


One of the four core Keyblades. Rumbling Rose is given to you after defeating Xaldin. It has 5 strength and 0 magic with the ability Finishing Plus which gives Sora an extra finishing attack. If you play on Critical Mode (have I mentioned I play Critical Mode), you can have up to THREE finishing attacks with this Keyblade. Using finishers like Magnet Burst, Explosion, or Guard Break two times in one combo is ridiculous. Rumbling Rose is a beast because of that ability. I am sure many of you will agree with me on that.

3. Ultima Weapon


The top 3 could have been in any order. I based it on my own preference which is: How long was the Keyblade used for? Once I get Ultima Weapon, I rarely unequip it. You can get this by synthesizing it. It has 6 strength and 4 magic with the ability MP Hastega which DRASTICALLY increases MP restoration. It is a perfectly balanced Keyblade with an amazing ability because magic like Reflect is very important. You can make the case that you can just bring Ethers, and trust me I took that into account. That’s why it’s at number 3 and not number 1.

2. Hero’s Crest


Easily the 2nd best Keyblade in the game. You get this SO early in the game which is right after the first Olympus visit. It has 4 strength and 0 magic with the ability Air Combo Boost. THIS ABILITY IS SO GOOD. Sora’s air-based combos come out much faster than his ground combos, so it’s much better to have him in the air for most fights. The ability increases the amount of damage his air combo finisher does. Equip multiple Air Combo Plus and this does even more. Even though you get it really early, I found myself using it for half the game and even on certain late-game bosses. A very good Keyblade.

1. Decisive Pumpkin


Out of all the Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 2, this is the best one: Decisive Pumpkin. You get it after clearing Halloween Town for a second time. It has 6 strength and 1 magic with the ability Combo Boost. This is literally the same ability as Hero’s Crest but it only applies to ground combos. Even though Sora is much faster in the air, his ground combos are MUCH MUCH stronger. Also, most late-game and secret bosses will be on the ground. Decisive Pumpkin is DECISIVELY better than Hero’s Crest because of that. It dishes out the most damage out of any Keyblade.

Until Next Time

Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read the best Kingdom Hearts 2 Keyblades. I hope there were some surprises in there for you to think about. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments down below (and check out some One Piece). Stay sexy my friends.