What is up my homies? Today, I want to finally tackle the best One Piece fights for every Straw Hat. Also, I will be ranking whose best fight is the best One Piece fight of all Straw Hat fights. Let us BEGIN.

10. Nami vs. Kalifa


I am just going to warn you right now. A decent amount of fights are going to be from the Enies Lobby Saga, and Nami is the first one to showcase it.

Personally, Nami fights aren’t generally ones that I have enjoyed. However, this one has to be by far the best Nami fight so far.

Her ability with the Clima Takt went off the charts here, and we haven’t really seen Nami go 110% since. She used her intellect to outsmart Kalifa numerous times, so that is why I put this fight in as her number 1 best One Piece fight.

Her fight with Doublefinger is probably her second best, but it was nowhere near.

9. Jinbe vs. Who’s Who


Considering Jinbe just recently joined the squad, he doesn’t really have any battles aside from Who’s Who. He did have a few fights during the Marineford War Saga, but they weren’t really any official one-on-ones.

Even though this is Jinbe’s best One Piece fight, it doesn’t really come close to the other Straw Hat battles.

Who’s Who got completely spanked by Jinbe, making this fight convincingly one-sided. There were some interesting dynamics at play with Who’s Who conceding the Gomu Gomu no Mi to Shanks long ago.

He also really despises Fishmen, and Jinbe absolutely gave him the clap for that.

8. Tony Tony Chopper vs. Kumadori


Chopper’s fight against Kumadori comes in at number 8, and ooh boy is this fight nasty. I really really loved this fight compared to the previous 2 entries. Who doesn’t love my boy?

During his battle with Kumadori, it was clear that Chopper’s battle skills were slightly below Kumadori’s. It was tough to watch Chopper knowing that he HAD to win since no one was going to be there to help.

Right before the final blow, Chopper goes into Brain Point, making him smaller to dodge an attack. He takes a third rumble ball… BOOM.

Chopper turns into a gigantic monster while Kumadori looks up in fear trying anything to knock out the awakened beast. Big boy Chopper grabs Kumadori, and you know the rest.

It was honestly such a high-beat, emotional, and tear-jerker battle.

Chopper vs. Gedatsu and Chopper vs. Hogback were also contenders, but they didn’t have the best conclusion to a fight.

7. Nico Robin vs. Black Maria


Before Robin’s fight with Black Maria, she had by far the worst best Straw Hat fight. Robin vs. Yama during the Skypiea Arc (yes, she had a solo fight) is honestly a pretty forgettable fight.

However, her fight with Black Maria in Wano was pretty lit. It’s really nice to see Robin slowly open up and accept herself over the course of One Piece.

I believe that her fight against Black Maria truly showed us how Robin finally unleashed the devil that every outsider thought she was. The flashbacks with her mom, Olivia, and Saul went further to show she is allowed to be herself.

It was a great emotional battle that many of us weren’t expecting, but we definitely enjoyed it all. Thank you Oda for Robin’s best One Piece fight.

6. Zoro vs. Mr. 1


Sorry Zoro fans, I really tried to come up with a reason to get him higher on the list because he is the warrior of the Straw Hats. Unfortunately, some fights were just better.

In almost every battle, it’s pretty clear that Zoro is stronger than his opponent. I felt this even in his most recent matchup with King. Zoro’s fights, a lot of the time, lack any struggle, except for his fight with Mr. 1.

His high-octane match against Mr. 1 might have been the only time where he looked like he was done for. Mr. 1 had the Supa Supa no Mi, and Zoro could not cut through his steel body. Zoro truly found himself in a dark spot and couldn’t do a thing about it.

Finally, he focused his mind and decided that today would be the day he cuts through, and he does just that. Another amazing fight with Zoro HAS to be coming soon.

5. Brook vs. Big Mom


Look, we all know Brook got spanked in this fight; however, he did put up a very good fight. He may have lost the battle, but he definitely won the war by snagging a copy of the Road Poneglyph that Big Mom kept hidden.

Because Brook doesn’t get many battles, seeing him fight against a Yonko was pure insanity. He is NOWHERE near the level of half a Yonko, yet he put his life on the line for the Straw Hats.

What was interesting about the fight is that if Brook could have pierced through Big Mom’s skin, he could have done a decent amount of damage to her. Brook really shattered our expectations for him during this part of Whole Cake Island by going above and beyond.

Brook lost his best One Piece fight, but he put his all into this loss.

4. Sanji vs. Queen


I think Sanji vs. Queen slightly outranks the previous 2. After the events at Whole Cake Island, we know Sanji still hasn’t truly accepted his lineage. This feeling also disallows him from accepting himself since he knows his true origin might turn him into the brothers he despises so much.

During his battle with Queen, we see both Sanji’s body and mind shift. This fight for Sanji was more with himself, and Queen exploiting those vulnerabilities within Sanji.

Once his body could no longer take any damage due to Judge’s experiments, Sanji had to rethink and finally accept himself as a product of what is essentially a superhuman.

I personally found the fight to be fulfilling because Sanji needed to resolve those deeply rooted feelings to continue. This might forever be Sanji’s best One Piece fight.

3. Franky vs. Señor Pink


I had a tough time choosing a spot for this magnificent fight between two juggernauts. At first, I thought Franky vs. Señor Pink should be number 1 on the list because it really had it all: hilarious, emotional, and badass.

If I had to pick a fight that truly encapsulates One Piece, it would be this one. One minute you’re laughing at the dialogue. Next, it’s at Franky and Señor Pink for their mannerisms. I mean Señor Pink was literally sucking the hell out of a pacifier and taking bikinis off of women around him to use as a tissue.

Just when you think it’s all fun and games, we get an origin story of how Señor Pink became Señor Pink. Absolute heartache.

Then, it finishes with just pure badass back-and-forth attacks knowing the two have so much respect for one another no matter the end result. I love it so much.

I have to put it at number 3 simply because the other 2 are of another caliber.

2. Luffy vs. Lucci


One Piece offers so much knowledge to its viewers. During my reflection on Luffy vs. Lucci, I learned that this fight is the DEFINITION of never giving up even when all seems lost.

The reason it is at number 2 is because of how closely it resonates with me. Sure, there are a lot of fights like this, but I know for a fact that Luffy should have lost this fight. You might say the same for Luffy vs. Katakuri.

The difference is that Lucci really wanted to win, whereas you can claim that Katakuri wanted to lose. Deep down, Katakuri knew Big Mom was in the wrong for the situation in Whole Cake Island. Still, he wasn’t going to just let Luffy win. He wanted Luffy to prove himself.

On the other hand, Lucci is a cold-blooded killer. Luffy kept going into his reserves and depleting everything he had left for Lucci. It was clear as a cloudless day.


1. Usopp vs. Luffy


Now, it was a very close call between this and Luffy vs. Lucci. Can we just take a moment and think about how incredible this fight is? Everything that led up to it, and everything after the fight is just pure peak writing. Usopp vs. Luffy is by far the most emotional fight I have ever watched in any anime.

Again, this is another lesson to be learned. Fights among friends and loved ones will happen, but it’s up to both to decide the future of the relationship.

Anyway, it was so hard to watch these two go all out at one another. Who do you support? Who is in the right? What should I be feeling?

Personally, my heart sided with Usopp, but my mind sided with Luffy. We know that fixing Merry at this point was a lost cause, but I couldn’t help but believe there was a way to fix it, just like Usopp thought.

Seeing the internal struggles of the Straw Hats during the Enies Lobby Saga was something else. I have to put Usopp vs. Luffy as the best One Piece fight of all time.

Until Next Time

I hope I can continue writing, and my plan for now is to get an article out every other week. Let me know your thoughts on this week’s article. I had a great time thinking about the list and formulating it. Anyways, thanks for reading and STAY SEXY MY FRIENDS.