
It’s your boy Dijon and WELCOME BACK. After my thoughts on season 1 of Code Geass, I finished season 2. I have to say, I enjoyed season 2 a bit more even with all the weird plot points introduced. This will contain spoilers for both seasons, so finish the show/manga before reading. Anyway, let’s just dive in.

Plot Points Happen Just To Work in Favor of Lelouch


Following the epic confrontation between Lelouch Lamperouge and Kururugi Suzaku, we follow a Lelouch that seems to be quite different or back to his former self before all the Zero shenanigans. He and the other class representatives had their memories taken away from them about Nunally, Lelouch’s sister, and it was replaced with an assassin named Rolo, who became Lelouch’s fake brother.

However, we all know Lelouch is the main character, so he is going to regain the memories he has lost. After doing so, he again became Zero and started his genius plan of taking Britannia for a second time. It was interesting seeing the dynamic of the Britannians trying to figure out if Lelouch had his memories regained while Lelouch continued to play along as if his memories were gone.

With his memories back, Lelouch, disguised as Zero, somehow gains the trust of the Chinese Federation. He even managed to set up an offshore base near China. Honestly, everything with the Chinese Federation came out of nowhere, so I don’t know whether to praise it or not.

Don’t get me started on Jeremiah.

Everything Feels Rushed In Code Geass Season 2


Every single character made choices that made no sense at times. Because of that, I truly could not like most of them. The author writes them with little to no care. In the midst of all this, Lelouch gained Rolo’s trust by tugging on the heartstrings of a cold-hearted assassin, and pretty much just joined the Black Knights. It feels like some plot points happen just so the protagonist can win. Why would a person like Rolo suddenly gain emotions for someone like Lelouch?

WHY WOULD A CHARACTER WHO KILLED FOR A LIVING EVER SINCE HE WAS A CHILD SUDDENLY LEARN HOW TO LOVE? It made no sense just as much as it made no sense for me to feel something for his sacrifice to save Lelouch. Rolo learns that Lelouch was just using him, but he still saves him anyway is so funny yet so sad. I also hate how we, the audience, are made to believe that Lelouch cared for Rolo and loved him. Lelouch did love him, but it just feels weird looking back on their whole relationship.

Again, the show goes by so fast, that it’s quite difficult to remember how certain events played out. Eventually, I got used to it, but the memories did not solidify in my brain. The set-up for season 2 is much more enjoyable than season 1, but we also have all of season 1 built up for season 2. Since there’s so much to discuss in the story, I will skip to the later portion.

Too Many Perfect Scenarios


Even though I enjoyed Season 2 more, the thoughts of perfect twists happening in the show did not sit right with me. My two biggest concerns were in the showdown between Lelouch and Schneizle. Suzaku shot the first FLEIYA and you’re telling me Nunnally survived? There is no explanation for this at all, and it felt like a total cop-out for what happened in the Tokyo Settlement battle. Seeing Nunally alive was probably the biggest twist in the show for me, aside from one other no-explanation survival. That award goes to Suzaku who somehow did not die to Kallen.

SOMEHOW, he finished the Zero Requiem plan that Lelouch created. Before I talk about the Zero Requiem, I just want to discuss why I feel like Code Geass is not as goated as people think. I understand this show is probably a lot of people’s first anime, and it showcases a lot of tropes in anime for newcomers to get used to in other shows. Still, the ONLY reason this show is good is due to Lelouch and the ending of Code Geass. Lelouch, and arguably Suzaku, CARRIED THE ENTIRE SHOW.

What Happened To Kallen In Code Geass Season 2


Also, I found it impossible to care for any character in the show. The ONLY acceptable character to care for is probably Ohgi because he seemed to me to be the most humanlike character in the show (also probably Princess Euphemia but that was in Season 1). Kallen could have been, but I couldn’t find myself to understand her, and her feelings for Lelouch. Not once has Lelouch done any good for anyone, yet he somehow had every girl fall in love with him. Kallen’s whole character arc had her siding with Lelouch cause she loved him, but then not siding with him because she remembered that she also hates him.

This might give me some hate but Kallen is probably the worst character in the entire show. I can’t see why anyone would like her after watching Season 2. I felt like she tried to think of the worst possible idea and go with it EVERY TIME she was on screen. Season 1 left Kallen on an interesting note because I thought she would maybe switch to Britannia’s side or something, yet she kept coming back to Lelouch even up until the end. In Code Geass Season 2, she justified everything Lelouch had done because she differentiated him and Zero as two different people. Every action Zero made caused Kallen to have conflicted thoughts.

Zero Requiem Somehow Worked


I do have to say I love how much the show makes you think, and I know Code Geass will leave an impression on my life for at least a few months. Code Geass makes damn near every character in the show a complete devil, yet we still feel for them. Ichiro Okouchi, the writer of Code Geass, somehow managed to pull off something I didn’t think could happen. With a show that has glaring plot holes and conveniences, I still enjoyed the overall journey of Code Geass.

Finally, I will talk about the ending, so big big spoilers here. Lelouch’s Zero Requiem plan is finally revealed to us. After becoming the King of Britannia and stopping Schneizel, Lelouch deems himself the ultimate ruler of the entire world. However, we can see that the citizens are weary and fearful of this new leader, so did Lelouch actually succeed or did he turn into the thing he hated the most? With Suzaku dressed up as Zero and killing Lelouch, we learn that Lelouch did both of those things. He became the thing he hated to make himself the center of all hate in the world.

The ultimate sacrifice is to unshackle all the wrong in the world and to reset the world order (sort of reset it). So yes, he became the thing he hated and he succeeded in destroying the unjust world. At least, that’s how I see it. There is a lot of ambiguity in the ending, and many speculate if Lelouch actually died. I choose to believe that he is dead because if he isn’t then I would feel a bit blue balled.

Everyone Else In Code Geass Season 2


There are other characters to discuss like C.C., V.V. King Charles, but I just wasn’t satisfied with them. I thought that there would be a huge thing surrounding them, but when it came about I just was like alright cool. When I say I liked Season 2, I kind of just mean Lelouch and the ending. Everything else was kind of just average to me. Is it a good anime? Yes. Is it amazing? Apart from Lelouch, not really. If you disagree then let me know.

Until Next Time

I hope you enjoyed Code Geass Season 2 Explained. It’s an interesting show with both amazing and horrible parts that create a pretty decent story arc. I will admit, Lelouch is one of the better protagonists that I have seen in a while, so I have to credit Code Geass with at least that. Anyways, thank you, and stay sexy my friends.